Source: Project Zero: The Problems and Promise of WebAssembly
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Zen and the art of data structures: From self-tuning to self-designing data systems | ZDNet
Designing data systems is something few people understand, and it’s very hard and costly. But that, too, could be automated, says new research from Harvard, and we’re about to start seeing it in real life. Source: Zen and the art of data structures: From self-tuning to self-designing data systems | ZDNet
Naive Bayes Classifier
Source: Naive Bayes Classifier
Dissecting a Shader Quine
Source: Dissecting a Shader Quine
8 time complexities that every programmer should know | Adrian Mejia Blog
SummaryWe are going to learn the top algorithm’s running time that every developer should be familiar. Knowing these time complexities will help you to assess if your code will scale. Also, it’s handy to compare different solutions for the same problem. You would be able to estimate which one will perform better. Source: 8 time …
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Citrine Programming Language | a language by Gabor de Mooij
Citrine is a simple, easy-to-learn programming language for everyday scripting, loosely based on Smalltalk. Source: Citrine Programming Language | a language by Gabor de Mooij
lambdaway is built on a wiki engine, lambdatank, and a small Lisp dialect, lambdatalk. Source: workshop
FP vs OO
Source: Clean Coder Blog
Electron 2.0.0 | Electron Blog
Source: Electron 2.0.0 | Electron Blog
Building a Serverless REST API using MongoDB(mongoose), NodeJs and Serverless framework
I created this post, because while I was trying to deploy my first Serverless API, I realized the great lack of info, about how to do it using mongoose and how to test it locally. Source: Building a Serverless REST API using MongoDB(mongoose), NodeJs and Serverless framework